The past few months have seen the pub and brewing industry hit spectacularly hard. It's almost spitefully trivial to even be thinking about a best pub competition at this time.
But my London Pub of the Year award has been going for quite a few years now, and it feels right to do something this year, for continuity and because no virus can stop me recognising a fucking good pub when I see one!
Can you tell where it is yet?
The award 'year' runs from July to June, which means that most of the serious decision-making inevitably takes place during the months of March, April, May and June... when of course everything was locked down tighter than a locksmiths chastity belt.
Therefore a full and fair contest just wouldn't be possible. However, a few weeks ago I came to a couple of decisions.
- Assuming everything gets back to normal, the competition will make a
full return for the year 20-21, and will include the five finalists
from last year, plus a further five pubs. It will be open to all e.g.
the five long-listed non-finalists from last year will not be excluded.
- A 'special award' will be given out for 2019-2020, to a pub that went the extra mile during lockdown.
And that special award goes to...