So, it's the height of Summer, and that means only one thing.
Well, actually it means quite a few things. Like higher ambient temperatures than during the rest of the year. And flights to the continent becoming more expensive. And schoolchildren hanging around city centres in the daytime because it's the holidays.
But in Ben Viveurland it means this one, specific thing:
London Pub of the Year.
The prestige that comes from winning the PotY
trophy cannot be understated, of course.
Last year's winner - no longer with us |
Last year a team of professional understaters from the UN spent six weeks attempting to understate the prestige, and all of them went home bitterly frustrated at their abject failure to understate the prestige. One subsequently split from his wife after the feelings of shame failed to go away and began to affect their marriage.
That's how fucking prestigious it is.
It all kicks off today, and, yes, it all feels a little unusual because last year's winner is no longer with us, but
we've found a way around that. The scoring system is the same as ever, and personal bias and preference will undoubtedly play a significant role.
Parts one and two will feature the four surviving
finalists from last year plus the two natural successors to the
Catford Bridge Tavern.
Parts three and four will showcase six fantastic new challengers, and then around a month from now, we'll be announcing the winner and getting the trophy engraved.
Exciting times. And, for one pub, a colossal faceful of prestige is splurging your way. Soon.